We updated Gaming Debloater as of May 9, 2023.
We updated Windows 10 Debloater as of May 29, 2023.
We updated Windows 11 Debloater as of May 28, 2023.
We updated Sophia Script Wrapper V2.X as of May 28, 2023.
Use these working ‘Windows Debloaters’.

- SophiApp (full GUI C#+WPF version of the Sophia Script)! You don’t have to deal with PowerShell scripts or Wrapper no more! It is working well and in constant improvement! Working on V2.0.
- Sophia Script Wrapper – Still being developed alongside SophiApp. Will try to fix the problems we encountered trying to finalize V3.0 of Wrapper.
- Gaming Debloater by FreeTimeTech.com. Updated.
- Windows 10 Debloater by FreeTimeTech.com. Updated.
- Windows 11 Debloater by FreeTimeTech.com. Updated.