We updated the following last month:
- Sophia Script Wrapper: https://benchtweakgaming.com/2020/11/12/windows-10-debloat-tool/
- Windows 10 Debloater: https://freetimetech.com/windows-10-clean-up-debloat-tool-by-ftt/
- Windows 11 Debloater: https://freetimetech.com/windows-11-debloater-tool-debloat-gui/
- Gaming Debloater: https://freetimetech.com/gaming-debloater/
We are refractoring our code and working on WinUI3 UI.

- SophiApp (full GUI C#+WPF version of the Sophia Script)! You don’t have to deal with PowerShell scripts or Wrapper no more! It is working well and in constant improvement! Working on V2.0.
- Sophia Script Wrapper – Still being developed alongside SophiApp. Will attempt to UPDATE to V3.0 of Wrapper.
- Gaming Debloater by FreeTimeTech.com.
- Windows 10 Debloater by FreeTimeTech.com.
- Windows 11 Debloater by FreeTimeTech.com.